Smoke aspiration systems for active
and safe room monitoring
The timeframe between the start of the fire and its detection is the key to successful fire fighting. Smoke aspiration systems are systems for room monitoring with threshold value alarms. They are highly sensitive and active systems. They do not wait until the smoke rises, but suck it in.
Thus they combine the advantages of a line detection system with those of a point-type smoke detector.
Your advantages:
- fast and sensitive evaluation of the air
- active detection of smallest smoke quantities
- freely branchable suction lines
- individual small air suction openings

Fire detection for several cabinets
Due to the flexible cable routing, entire rows of cabinets
can be integrated into the monitoring system.

Evaluation of all relevant parameters
Room monitoring with threshold value alarms single-stage
for an IT security cell or server room including installation.

A smoke aspiration system essentially consists of two parts:
- the freely branchable suction pipe with individual small air suction openings
- the detection chamber
The fan sucks the room air via the suction points into the detection
chamber. This chamber contains a smoke detector and the
electronic evaluation circuit. Smoke particles are registered there
immediately and the measures are initiated.

Detection of gases
Dangerous explosions in battery rooms and cabinets are avoided
with a smoke aspiration system by early warning.